What is that I hear?

Or not hear! I was making dinner. Wait I would first like to say that we have spent many a hours "kid proofing" our house. Specifically, our living room. If I was to gauge, I would say we're 90%. And the missing 10 is only because we don't know, what we don't know....
Okay, so I'm making dinner and it gets quiet for a split second, I walk into our "kid proofed" living room and here a little voice and see this :)

I secretely love that she is exploring!! She is so freaking cute. I'm happy to report that no noggins were bruised during the taking of this picture :)

Things that I love today:
- baby explorers
- trader joes
- flax seed

Good night! Much better day!

Only one way to go

Hello bad day-month-year, it's really time for you to leave! Please please please. I just need something to go right for me. I'm done with the negative. Today was the bottom of the barrel, rock bottom if you will... I just need bad out and good in. Ok, ok, the good thing is that tomorrow is a new day. God give me strength!

My favorite part of the day was that Syd learned to give me a kiss. Granted it was open mouth, but melted my heart nonetheless!

DMV = sucks!!! 2 hours and still have 19 people in front of me! Ugg!

I love...

I love the sounds of little breaths while the rest of the house is silent. Got up went to the gym at 4:45. I'm all cleaned up and ready to go to work. C had to leave early today, and so it's just me and Caddie girl waiting for the other little girl to wake up. I just had a great 30 minutes of silence. Good for the soul I tell ya!
Here are a few pics I've taken on my phone. The computer is on the outs, so I'll have for the clearer pics from there.
P.S. Russel is outside with some friends messing with my silence... Do I really have to go to work today?


We just signed up for our first swim class. Yay!!! Starts in two weeks!

Snuggle buns

As I'm writing this look who's all snuggle buns in my lap! My caddie girl, I love you too!

It's kind of hard to see because it's early and still a little dark out.


I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day weekend. We had a great time in Cancun. We are having severe issues with our computer so I haven't been able to publish pics but I did find this pretty picture for the occassion.

Today was a good day. Need to get some more stuff done around the house this weekend, but did pretty good at taking care of a cranky babes and getting all the laundry done and put away, AND we went through all of Syd's clothes. We've been having to do it every two or so months to take out the stuff she no longer fits into. Lately she's been staying pretty consistently around 24 lbs. I know, that's still a big girl, but the doc said she's probably not going to be putting much weight for the next couple of year, but more height. YAY!
Although we weren't able to get up to the snow today, we did have a good day. Super bowl was good. Syd did good. Our friends hired some baby sitters and so they watched Syd for an hour and a half of the game. She was sort of frightened by all the yelling, so I was glad that they did that. She's still scared when other people hold her. I felt bad that she was such a pill for Kate and Mort. I'll just need to make sure to bring her near them more often so that she doesn't think of them as strangers.
We are leaving the country in a few days which is absolutely amazing to me. We got Syd a few bathing suits on Saturday... which is even funnier considering it was pouring down rain outside and I'm in there asking the sales clerk about bathing suits. I still have to find something for me, but I dont' think that is going to be as easy. I'll try and sneak away to the mall at lunch one of these days. Oye vey!
Not much else to report. I'm working on the Mac right now. It seems fine for simple things like email and internet. But I don't know about all the other stuff like my webcam and USB hub and all these other things are not working... uggg. So annoying. Not sure how long I'll last.

Well I should get off to bed if I'm going to be waking up in a few hours. I'm aiming for 45 minutes on the bike trainer in the morning, and then ab workout. Eeeek.

Ciao for now my friends!


The doc yesterday found not one but TWO ear infections.... Poor girl. We were going to head up to Julian, but decided that was a bad idea. So we're headed to breakfast, but im determined that she has to stay warm. I may have gone a little far :)

Congrats jen and bri on the engagement!
I heart high school musical!!!!

Oye vey

So I was all set to have a fun girls night with my lovely and who ever else and I pick her up and she's sick with a possible ear infection. Oye vey... Now I'm watching a movie by myself and she's asleep. Poor girl. We'll be hitting urgent care in the morning! Good thing Zack Efron is hot!! :)

Hi friends!!! Sorry I haven't written in so long. Just got the new computer up and running. Need to get the the external hard drive working, then I can post some pics! You'll hear from me soon!