Its amazing what sleep or lack thereof, can do to a person. I'm happy to report that my luv bug slept through the night last night!!! Whoooh. Wasn't' the first time, but it has been some time since she's done it, especially of late. Teething maybe? Dad out of town maybe? WHO KNOWS why, but I do know I filled her up with rice cereal, green beans and a bottle and it worked! I'm planning on trying it again tonight, so I'll let you know!
Those that know me, know that the last couple months have been on the better side of crazy to say the least. There is A LOT going on! For the first time yesterday, in I'd say probably 7 months, I feel like I was able to take a breath. One of those good deep ones... How weird is that seeing as I'm getting into the craziest time of year and nothing has really changed.
I suppose it has a lot to do with the saddness that has been overcoming my heart lately. Some of the closest and dearest people to me are dealing with some unreal life changing events. It makes my heart hurt with them. Yesterday, for the first time, I had this feeling that everything is going to be okay. I know that God is looking out for us that is for sure. You have to have faith!

Okay, enough of the spriritual sappiness... I hope everyone smiles today!! Its June... My monkey is 5 months and 4 days! CoopTown is coming in T minus 4 weeks. B2 is 12 weeks. Mort is 2 down, 4 to go! K and K are getting hitched in 2 months. Cdub is turning 30! There are so many things to be thankful for!

Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all irritation and resentment slips away, and sunny spirits take their place. ~ Mark Twain