I've realized that as of late this has become rather a sad depressing blog. That is definitely not my intentions when starting this, but I suppose it goes along with my mental state. I think I've said this before, but the last 8 months have just been a roller coast of emotions with a lot of downs and a few ups. The biggest and most important UP was the birth of my gorgeous girl. And I think I've talked about the downs ENOUGH... so as the "mantra" of this blog states, its about turning a new leave... well who's to say this thing can't turn multiple times =) So back to finding the happy things of the day and having more appreciation for all the great things in my life. First I just think that I am so blessed that I have a healthy family. We've been battling colds for the last couple weeks and am glad we've blown through them. Second, I'm so thankful to Dr. Zimmerman... I just know Sydney will be in good hands. JT has never pointed us in the wrong direction in terms of health. Third, I'm thankful that Jen is done with chemo #4 of 6. She's just got to get through the next couple days and then she'll start to feel better. Different medicine this time to help with the nausea. Fourth, I'm thankful that Steph's mom is almost done with the 14 hour surgery today and everything is looking positive. Stay strong! Lastly I just want to say thanks to whoever reads this silly thing, because even if its no one, it helps me tremendously to get out all the things that are going on in this little life of mine. I'm hearing a sleeping baby and a sleeping husband so I should get to sleep.
Maybe I'll have another dream about my friend getting engaged tonight... =) eeekkk... I hope so. Good night moon!!!


Dan and Jane said...


I love reading this blog! While you and I email all the time, this blog helps me keep up with Syd, you and C-dub. When you have to be 1500 miles apart this is a great way to stay connected. Keep writing!


Anonymous said...

I read it! Keep dreaming those dreams and hopefully they'll come true reasonably soon...