What is that I hear?

Or not hear! I was making dinner. Wait I would first like to say that we have spent many a hours "kid proofing" our house. Specifically, our living room. If I was to gauge, I would say we're 90%. And the missing 10 is only because we don't know, what we don't know....
Okay, so I'm making dinner and it gets quiet for a split second, I walk into our "kid proofed" living room and here a little voice and see this :)

I secretely love that she is exploring!! She is so freaking cute. I'm happy to report that no noggins were bruised during the taking of this picture :)

Things that I love today:
- baby explorers
- trader joes
- flax seed

Good night! Much better day!


Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorite ever pictures of Syd. The expression on her face is such a mix of innocence and curiosity. She looks like she's saying, "Did you know this was down here, mom?"