Vision Board...cont

I may have posted something about this previously, but I'm telling you... VISION BOARDS WORK!!!!  I'm not kidding.  A few things off my original vision board are totally coming true.  Its amazing!  What this means is that I have to continue to post and add to it!!!  So here it goes! 

For those that know me, know that I have to be in a big car.  HAVE TO!!  But you also know that we are in dire straights when it comes to a second car.  TODAY I was entered into a chance at winning this!!!!

SO I AM PUTTING IT OUT THERE!  I have a one in 500 chance.  Pretty good odds.  Not so great for a family, but hey, a free car would be fantastic!!!! =)


Hope you are all having a good day!  I'm having a great one!  Can't wait to see my baby in less than hour!