Monday Morning Blues

First, I would like to report that Bella is doing well and thank you all for the prayers. Babies are small miracles!

Second, I wonder I'm already having Monday morning blues, its 4:30 and I can't sleep. Fortunately, I'm planning on heading to Hot yoga in 15 minutes so not all is lost.

It was quite a weekend for us. I'm not sure what the "terrible two's" entail, but I think after this weekend we may have an some incling of what's in store. Sydney for some reason has been going through something lately and I'm just not sure what is going on. There has been lots of screaming. Lots of whining. Its just so hard not knowing what she wants and trying to teach her to express herself through other methods. I think we may a trip to Barnes and Noble to start reading up a little more on how to help them express their feelings. Lord. Craig and I looked at each other today and we both just knew the other one was thinking. Oye vey.

One thing we did get done this weekend after months and months of staring a the broken stairs, my husband built the stairs yesterday afternoon. Whooh! Oh.. my alarm just went off. I'm off to yoga. Happy Monday friends! I have some pics to post soon of my Peru trip. I need to catch up.