The day was a long day. Craig left this morning at 4:30 and as unfortunate as it is, anytime I've been woken up during the night, its virtually impossible for me to go back to bed. DOH! Anywho. Caught up on some on-demand tv that Craig would absolutely never let me watch and then started the morning. I have to say, there is something funny about the age Sydney is right now. She totally understands, but is still having a hard time communicating, and so really not responding too much. I know, I'll dream about this day oh-so soon. In any case, I got ready this morning and waited for her to wake up. Mistake #1. Apparently when you get on the babes time, you end up VERY VERY LATE. But so I waited for her to wake up, not realizing the time. Made breakfast began to feed her and then realized, ooops, I'm already a half hour late for work. DOH! So needless to say from there although we were still rolling at a snail speed, we were in a tid bit more of a hurry. We show up at daycare and she says, "funny how you anticipate dropping her off early, and its the opposite." Mistake #2, probably shouldn't preface the daycare the day before with a "I'll be dropping Sydney off early tomorrow"
Then it was off to work. Met with the new director and worked through all kinds of fun stuff today. Work, work, work. Craig landed and was off to his first round of the insane week with his buddies. I'm so happy for him. I could hear the joy in his voice when he landed and the few times I spoke to him tonight. I'm so glad that he was able to do this. He needed Craig and boys time for sure!
As I'm walking out of work, I realize that its Tuesday and my parents asked if Sydney and I wanted to come for dinner on Tuesday! Sweet. So I scadoodled home to get Syd. Picked up Lina and then off to the rents. We had a great dinner. Sydney was awesome. We played a mean game of hand and foot and guess who won... YEP, me! =) All in all it was a good day.
Now a few things that I would like to have good thoughts about. 1.) Baby Jillian, its time to make your appearance. Can't wait! 2.) Steph and Marco are going to ROCK the ironman this weekend. So excited for them! 3.) Jammy is coming tomorrow for a visit, so we're excited for a girls week.
Okay, i'm exhausted and I finally don't hear a little voice from the monitor. SLEEP AT LAST!
Ciao for now!
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