Okay, so I've purposesly decided that writing in this at work is a no-no, but I had to write a quick story because I can not believe it.
So last night I got my hair cut. No big deal right? You would think. So I come in this morning and go about my business. The executive assistant comes in... wait! You should have a little background about this woman. She keeps this department running. She is very generous and always takes care of everyone. She is very nice. She is also from New Orleans. She has big hair, tattooed lips and eye brows and always has her makeup to a "T".
Alright, so as of today I've lost 15 pounds in about 6 weeks. I don't really notice too much but this everyone else around me is. So with that being said I shall continue on.
I'm going about my business when this women comes in and sits right next to me. As she walks in she say... Did Alli get a new do? I smile and say yes. She is smiling and says, a new do, a new body, a new you! A new do, a new you. I laugh and smile and say I guess so. I sit at my desk when the big boss walks in from being out of the office for the past week on business. We all continue on with our morning, when he walks out of his office to say something to the woman. Me, being me, interject a small comment about something, where he smiles and agrees. It was then that she decides to say. "Did you see Alli's new hair do?" Okay, so a little embarrassing because this is the big boss and well I like to keep things professional and he's not really a conversationalist. He also has only sons and so I think he's a little uncomfortable about stuff like that. Girly stuff! Anyways... she follows up that sentence with this one. "A new do and a new body. Doesn't she look good" Okay. STOP RIGHT THERE! Did she just say that to my boss? Oh my god, she did. He's uncomfortable. I'm uncomfortable. He says, yeah that is great! Good answer I guess. So now I have to respond... oh man... so I say "Be the brand right?" All I could think of. I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe it. I just keep looking at the computer and convince myself that its all going to be over soon. He then walks back into his office and she walks over to my desk to whisper "You have to point those things out to men. They need direction" Well that would be good if he was a man. He's my boss that just happens to be a man. Oh man, I'm so embarrassed... Please let this day go by fast. Good thing there was someone else here that heard the whole thing. She told me I handled it good. So here is to a good Thursday morning. uggg.
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