Where in the world is Alli Ward?

Something you may not know about me, but could probably guess especially with the title of my blog. I'm obsessed, I mean OBSESSED, with "Where in the World is Matt Lauer." I want to be him, I want to go with him, I think that would be a dream of a life time if I could go with him during his yearly 5 day estravaganza around the world. Hmmm... who do I know that can hook me up? I've got an idea. You know that documentary on how to win a date with Drew Barrymore? I think I should do a documentary on how I can become one of the staffers for Matt Lauer during his "Where in the world series." I will carry equipment, I will have Avi teach me lighting, oooohhh, site scouter! Well just thought you should know that I found my calling. Now, where do I start?