Nut Farm

We made it back from the Nut Farm! There is a reason its called a nut farm =) It was nuts. Actually we got there just in time to only get a little taste of how nuts it can be. We got some cute pics of Syd and Super Coop. Here are some pics from our pumpkin outing so far. Her costume should be here tomorrow, so I'll get those up as soon as we can get some of her in it!!! I love this time of year! Dare I say, its my favorite! Right now it is! Enjoy... I know I did taking them!

Sydney and Cooper in wheelbarrow

Syd with Ellie on Ellie's 1st Birthday!

Super Coop

The nut farm crew

Looking into the sun

Our little pumpkin

Some day, you'll love this picture

Daddy showing Syd the farm animals

Sweet Girl

Oh she's going to be mad someday...oh well

Really Mom

Now we're having fun

Oh my love!