
Today is a very special day! Today 365 days ago, my baby girl came into this world.

It is one of those days you will never forget. We not only had the anticipation of becoming parents for the first time, but secretely C and I were worried about her health and had NO idea how she would look. I was so scared. I remember the nurse telling me it's time to push. I remember jen and Audrey on each side of me. I remember the feeling actually! I remember the doctor coming in and checking me and saying that I needed an emergency C-section. I remember how scared I was. I remember I had a fever and then my body started to shake. I remember crying and Craig holinding my hand with his head on mine. I remember the feeling as they took Syd out. I remember a doctor yelling LUCKY 24! I remember Craig going to get her. I remember him bringing her over to me and he's testy saying "she is really really pretty". I saw her upside down, but the first thing I said was ... She is so beautiful! I was trying to focus on her, but being on the table upside down was hard.
They then took Craig and her and whooshed her off to test her. I wanted them both there, but I more wanted her to be ok. We prayed and prayed for such a blessing. Then they finally brought her in to me and she latched to me right away. Good eater!
After lots of tests we all made it to our room and the rest is history!!
I love u Sydney girl!!!

Ciao for now!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!

We are all tucked in and I can hear the sleepy sounds from my two favorite people and favorite pup! I love my life.

So much preparation. We made home made pasta two nights ago, so we're all set there... Oh I have a pic

Yesterday we moved Sydney's crib into our room and set up the air mattress in her room. On the way to the airport we stopped in and delivered some Christmas chocolates to Hazel. We picked grandpa and granpa at the airport. Too bad Syd cried when it was her and the two of them in the back seat. Chinese fire drill and Craig back there settled her down. Me making one large plee to the owner of the trophy store to meet me there on his day off so I can pick up Dad's Christmas present, and the finally the arrival of the Arizona crew and hoping into the car and heading to Aud's. She had fondue, and it was a success!!!

Now if everyone would just wake up we can see what Santa brang! I can't wait to see Syd open present! Eeeekk! Merry Christmas everyone. Cheers!

Ciao for now!


The lady I work next too has gone out of contol with decorating with dolls and such. Pics aren't really doing it justice but it's pretty funny!

Actually the last one is my cube... Lots going on, I know!
Funny though!


An interesting development today. Would you come visit if we lived in England? Surrey is where Kate winslets character was from in the holiday!!

Ciao for now!

Goose egg

First goose egg... Oye vey!!!

Ok... I cried for her! She's doing fine though... Poor baby!

So the vision board didn't so much work for the work raffle but I'm not giving up!

Texts throughout the night and this morning this world has B2 stevens in it!! I might have totally started crying, but I'm just so excited! Now... The name! :) I'll post pics soon!

Here's a pic... YAY!!! Now, a name... not so sure yet!!!

Ciao for now!

Laws of Attraction

I'm so excited because its time for my vision board as we are heading into 2010. I have changed a lot over the past year. I'm learning more and more about myself and how to be the best that I can be for myself and my family. One way I'm trying out is the law of attraction through a vision board. I think you're probably supposed to actually create a foam board, but hey we're in the digital age my friends and so I thought why not on here. I challenge each of you to try it to. Do it with me as we'll put all that is positive into the world and see what comes back to us. Good Luck!!!