
Today is a very special day! Today 365 days ago, my baby girl came into this world.

It is one of those days you will never forget. We not only had the anticipation of becoming parents for the first time, but secretely C and I were worried about her health and had NO idea how she would look. I was so scared. I remember the nurse telling me it's time to push. I remember jen and Audrey on each side of me. I remember the feeling actually! I remember the doctor coming in and checking me and saying that I needed an emergency C-section. I remember how scared I was. I remember I had a fever and then my body started to shake. I remember crying and Craig holinding my hand with his head on mine. I remember the feeling as they took Syd out. I remember a doctor yelling LUCKY 24! I remember Craig going to get her. I remember him bringing her over to me and he's testy saying "she is really really pretty". I saw her upside down, but the first thing I said was ... She is so beautiful! I was trying to focus on her, but being on the table upside down was hard.
They then took Craig and her and whooshed her off to test her. I wanted them both there, but I more wanted her to be ok. We prayed and prayed for such a blessing. Then they finally brought her in to me and she latched to me right away. Good eater!
After lots of tests we all made it to our room and the rest is history!!
I love u Sydney girl!!!

Ciao for now!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!

We are all tucked in and I can hear the sleepy sounds from my two favorite people and favorite pup! I love my life.

So much preparation. We made home made pasta two nights ago, so we're all set there... Oh I have a pic

Yesterday we moved Sydney's crib into our room and set up the air mattress in her room. On the way to the airport we stopped in and delivered some Christmas chocolates to Hazel. We picked grandpa and granpa at the airport. Too bad Syd cried when it was her and the two of them in the back seat. Chinese fire drill and Craig back there settled her down. Me making one large plee to the owner of the trophy store to meet me there on his day off so I can pick up Dad's Christmas present, and the finally the arrival of the Arizona crew and hoping into the car and heading to Aud's. She had fondue, and it was a success!!!

Now if everyone would just wake up we can see what Santa brang! I can't wait to see Syd open present! Eeeekk! Merry Christmas everyone. Cheers!

Ciao for now!


The lady I work next too has gone out of contol with decorating with dolls and such. Pics aren't really doing it justice but it's pretty funny!

Actually the last one is my cube... Lots going on, I know!
Funny though!


An interesting development today. Would you come visit if we lived in England? Surrey is where Kate winslets character was from in the holiday!!

Ciao for now!

Goose egg

First goose egg... Oye vey!!!

Ok... I cried for her! She's doing fine though... Poor baby!

So the vision board didn't so much work for the work raffle but I'm not giving up!

Texts throughout the night and this morning this world has B2 stevens in it!! I might have totally started crying, but I'm just so excited! Now... The name! :) I'll post pics soon!

Here's a pic... YAY!!! Now, a name... not so sure yet!!!

Ciao for now!

Laws of Attraction

I'm so excited because its time for my vision board as we are heading into 2010. I have changed a lot over the past year. I'm learning more and more about myself and how to be the best that I can be for myself and my family. One way I'm trying out is the law of attraction through a vision board. I think you're probably supposed to actually create a foam board, but hey we're in the digital age my friends and so I thought why not on here. I challenge each of you to try it to. Do it with me as we'll put all that is positive into the world and see what comes back to us. Good Luck!!!


What a beautiful day today is. Craig went on a ride with the guys. So syd and I spent the morning together. She is developing quite the personality. So cute. So happy. After a morning nap she and i went on a bike ride. We stopped at the park and swung for a bit. We tried to find Kristie and Mike's new house, but no luck. Now we're back and we're talking and playing... Some more than others :) Waiting for Craig to get home! My kind of morning. Have a great Sunday everyone!!

Ciao for now!
I always try to stay positive but right now i have to complain. First, why is it that when I go into CVS there isn't anyone around, but when you go to check out there are 6 people in line, 2 cashiers and both are running price checks, and you decide to take your squirmy babes in... Oye!
Second! Why is it that you house breaks right before a major holiday that you are hosting??? I have no kitchen sink, and we have T minus 3 days!
Last, what's up with babies and chapped cheeks? She's had them for almost two weeks! My sis watched her and she got rid of them for a second, but I pick her up today and they are almost the worst I've seen. Annie has been trying all kinds of stuff too and no luck. The CVS trip resulted with some new stuff. I've goobed it on a few times so I'll report back in the morning.

Okay I'm done. Off to home depot!!! Uggg!


I'm in love

Ciao for now!


I'm so glad it's Friday! What a week it has been. One big accomplishment was to get the pool fence installed! We were in the spa last night and I mentioned to Craig how ugly it was and I think he was a little peeved. I told him that it was the best option and in the best possible place but that it just makes our back yard look cluttered and such. Doh. I think I finally made him understand that wanting our kid(s) to be safe and actually wanting the fence are two different things! :)

Anywho, that is done! Now we're going to start work on the closet doors and deck. Wish us luck.

I did however started working on Syd's birthday invitation this week. I think they are going to come out cute. Here is a sneak peek of the pic I might be using!

I love her face. Silly girl!! I'll have to post some of the cute pics we got of her in her costume!

What else has been going on here? We've got Cayden's 3rd BDay on Sat morning. Possible dinner down south. Then Sunday we have open house for preschool and meeting some new friends at Stone. Should be a great weekend.

Ooh I'm hearing some rustling from my munchkin. Got to run. Happy Friday! Ooohh I get to wear jeans. Finally!

Finally Friday

We were super cute this morning! Yesterday was cute too but I forgot to take a pic! Hope you have a great weekend!!

She's actually smiling and swinging her arms. Makes me laugh!

Ciao for now!

Terrific Tuesday

Another great morning of getting up, working out and getting ready all before the family. Whooh!! Today I started my abs workout! I'm sure I will be feeling it tomorrow!

Having a rough time with a situation that has come up. Although the workout doesn't solve it, it sure does clear it out of your mind of it for a while.

The little girl was wearing a crazy outfit yesterday so I thought I'd spare you all!

New things on the horizon, so I hope to have something to report soon!! Have a great day!

Oh I have a pic from work on Friday. Sorry it's so dark! A ladybug landed on my desk!

Ciao for now!

Time Change

As a mom, you are so worried about how your kids are going to do with the time change. I'm happy to report, although we are only on day 2, Sydney is doing great! She has been to bed pretty early the last couple days which has sort of messed up a few of our plans, but I am learning priorities and that I can't make it to everything especially if Miss Syd isn't having it. Me on the other hand... NOT GOOD AT ALL. I was up so early this morning. I decided to do a work out and took a shower and its still only 5:30. Crazy. I'm hoping to keep this going though. You feel so good throughout the day when you work out in the morning. My first goal is to get up every day this week. If you start out the first week consistent, then you are on the right track... right?

What else... well there is always lots going on in this brain of mine. In terms of the babes... we're behind, but we started signing to her. I will keep you posted on how it goes. In terms of me... always trying to make myself better. I'm learning to take everything in stride and not worry about things and people I can not control.

I'm excited for a very eventful week. Syd and I are meeting Miss Mahin on Tuesday, Miss Flener's birthday dinner on Wednesday, and Mrs Ross on Thursday... I miss my friends. I feel like I haven't seen a lot of them for a long time. Well I hope that you all have a great week and keep on keeping it on!


Sunday mornings

Oh how I love Sunday mornings! We had a great time at sister's yesterday. Syd's outfit was a hit! The only bummer was that I didn't get a picture with her cousins all in costume. I might have to recreate for her scrapbook. It was really fun!

Also, happy to report that Syd did great with the time change this morning. She woke up at a reasonable time. We are hanging around here today and cleaning. I love days like this.

See the mess... Exactly why we need to clean! =)

Halloween at Jenny!!

Every year we do it up for halloween! This year is no exception! Maketing is Broadway musical!! Jericho and I are Lion King!!! Brenna and Mary are Wicked! Clarice= Annie. We have 3 other musicals greese, cats and phantom too! Here are some pics from the phone!

Spaghetti and football

Spaghetti and football! I love Sundays! Plus Marcus the carcus is out. I love this time of year. We got a lot of house stuff done today! It makes me so happy to get organized!
So we went through all Syd's old clothes and put stuff in bins to store and a pile to donate. So I know I need to pick my battles, but tell me how saving a pair of overalls for if we have a son is ok?? He's not going to wear them. Oh well! Ok back to the game. Go Bolts!!


Pumpkin carving tonight with Steph and Marco. I'm so excited. I love this time of year!!

Baby legs

My new favorite baby product, baby legs!!! They are leg warmers! Yay! Go. Syd!

Good night moon


Syd's stripes

Ciao for now!


Oh my gosh, Syd's costume came today!!!! I can't wait for you all to see her in it!!! Yay!

Ciao for now!

Girls night on the town

Girls dinner!!

Ciao for now!

Nut Farm

We made it back from the Nut Farm! There is a reason its called a nut farm =) It was nuts. Actually we got there just in time to only get a little taste of how nuts it can be. We got some cute pics of Syd and Super Coop. Here are some pics from our pumpkin outing so far. Her costume should be here tomorrow, so I'll get those up as soon as we can get some of her in it!!! I love this time of year! Dare I say, its my favorite! Right now it is! Enjoy... I know I did taking them!

Sydney and Cooper in wheelbarrow

Syd with Ellie on Ellie's 1st Birthday!

Super Coop

The nut farm crew

Looking into the sun

Our little pumpkin

Some day, you'll love this picture

Daddy showing Syd the farm animals

Sweet Girl

Oh she's going to be mad someday...oh well

Really Mom

Now we're having fun

Oh my love!