Castor Oil

So last night I was contemplating castor oil. After reading a number of articles and a call from Doc Justin, we've decided all the other methods will have to work. The side effects of that monster sound not so good. I'm willing to take one for the team, but Mr. Ward isn't so keen on it. Hmmmm... I walked around the house last night like a mad woman. This is my last chance to get her here before Christmas. I think she's comfty and not wanting to budge. As my Aunt told me yesterday... its always the difficult ones that turn out to be the most beautiful and intelligent. =)
What else is going on here? Well my mom is in town. She's at my sister's till tonight and then over to our house. Woohoo... One of Craig's best friends is also coming to town tonight to stay with us. Its our annual trip from Uncle Avi. Should be fun. He's fired up that Sydney could come while he's here. Would be fun, but its the always the difficult ones =) What else? I'm headed back to JC tomorrow for a department party. Should be fun. I was hoping to not be able to go, but nothing seems to be working as planned these days. Okay, well ist 3:15 and I should try and get some more sleep before you know who gets mad. He's so funny these days. I swear, if he takes one more picture of me... =) Now we know where Syd's getting the crazy genes... both of us!!

Ciao for now!