Pretty in pink

As they say in Mexico, ahye ahye ahye! That is how I feel today. Whirlwind of emotions for sure today. There are ups there are downs. And then there are pink toes!
I was about to start the sentence off... "Work is..." and then I realize, I talk way too much about work. BORING. Work should not define a person. Maybe just shape them a bit. And in my case, let's hope a lot. The weigh in was less than I would have wanted today, but still less. Its was that darn vodka roulette I bet! The gift that keeps on giving. Never again.

Okay, moving on. Ahh.. the two-pher
Good things that happened today? Well the numbers today were unbelievable. Scott even emailed from Vevey wondering if the numbers were an April fools joke. When the numbers are good, it makes my job that much easier. Ahhh, April fools. Today was the first time in I do not know how long that I didn't play a joke on anyone. What else was good today? Oh yes, my trusty friend Golden Spoon. The perfect combination of chocolate and peanut butter cup, and the best part is that I didn't fall "off the wagon" if you will. All part of the plan! YES! That is a good thing.

Fun things that happened today? Pink toes. Definitely FUN! April fools. Although no jokes were had, I do love the day. Oh I read that they cast the first person in the 90210 spin off. Whoo, that is way fun.

Hey, did you know that dogs get sore too? I mean I guess intuitively it makes sense, but seeing as they don't talk or do sign language, it never really occurred to me. Yesterday was the first time since the changing of the clocks to daylight savings that I had the chance to take Caddie girl to the lagoon. Oh man, she ran and ran and swam and ran. It was about 45 minute till she took a breather. I let her rest while I did a little stretching and yoga on the sand. I then threw the balls a few more times and then we were done. Later that night, Craig asked if Caddie was limping. Under further investigation, we realized she was just walking kind of stiff. So we figured she was just tired. So this morning we went through our typical routine. Ask the dog up on the bed for some morning hugs and rubs and she barely made it up. I had to pull up the rear. If you know what I mean. She was sore, my poor baby.

Ahh, your first taste of a good story, but that just happens to be long winded. Well its late and the family is already asleep. Good night!